Our services will help you achieve an optimised and fully compliant commercial kitchen to agreed timescales, and once completed you have access to our maintenance and repair services to keep your appliances and systems in top working order.
The ACK Store offers a range of Oriental catering equipment, spare parts and accessories to purchase online.
We’re showcasing a collection of recipes that pay homage to traditional and modern dishes from across Asia.
旋轉吊軌是ACK脆皮豬肉和北京烤鴨烤箱Eco系列的真正替代零件,適用於DO75和DO90烤箱。 英國製造
From: £168.00
旋轉吊軌是ACK的ACK脆皮豬肉和北京烤鴨燒烤箱生態範圍的真正替代零件。 可用於ACK燒烤箱DO75和DO90的懸掛導軌具有刺刀快速釋放裝置,易於清潔。
DO75, DO90
蒸熟的鱸魚,注入生薑,蔥,大豆和新鮮的香菜,是不可抗拒的菜餚,通常被用作傳統中式婚禮宴會的最後一道菜。 在ACK蒸鍋上蒸製過程中,鱸魚的細膩結構和味道得以保持,讓顧客真正品嚐到這道菜。